Reading Diary B: Grimm (LibriVox)
Twelve Huntsmen: Why couldn’t the man’s wife go with him? Wait, but if he already has a wife, how would he marry again? Did the dad not know he already had a wife? wut.
I love that the lion is the wise one! Why don’t they just confront the women? These are the weirdest ways to see if someone is a woman or not.
I feel like he should have kept his promise to his original wife the whole time… What a weird story.
Jordina and Jordinel: This was a weird story, but I liked it. I’m used to fairies being the good guys, so it was fun reading a story where that wasn’t the case.
Twelve Dancing Princesses: I wonder why a lot of these stories have 12s. Not only in these fairy tales, but in the other units as well. I should google it.
An invisible cloak?? What is this, Harry Potter? This is exciting!
The Turnip: Okay, I really love that this story is about a turnip.
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