Monday, March 2, 2015

Commenting Review Week

I feel like the comments actually allow more of a connection than most online classes allow for.  Actually, I think I’ve talked to more people through these comments than I do in my actual classes.
I really enjoy the comments that actually tell me what I did wrong or have ideas on how to improve my writing.
When I’m writing short comments I try to give general revision ideas. When I’m writing longer comments I go into detail and give specific examples.
I write my comments as I go along reading.  It helps me remember what I did/didn’t like in a story.
Any comments with constructive criticism really help me out. The comments you make are very detailed and actually help a lot.


  1. Let me just start out by saying...I loved your picture!!! I actually chuckled when I read it. It reminds me of the jokes that my kids tell me all the time. One in particular is short & sweet like yours...Why can't the dog control the remote? Because he always hots the PAWS button. It doesn't make me laugh out load of anything, but it makes me giggle a little. I like silly jokes like that.
    I agree with you about actually "talking" to more students in this class than I do in any other class I'm in. I believe it is because of all the required comments we have to make on other student's posts and stories. I like your style for writing the comments as you are reading through the stories/posts. For me, I make mental notes on what I want to comment on, then I go back a reread the post/story and make sure I have hit on everything that I wanted to comment on. You way seem more efficient. I like the comments that tell me what I need to fix, but sometimes I prefer the positive comments better. Sometimes I just need to know that I'm on the right track and am doing a good job.
    Anyway, good luck with your classes this semester and I hope you have a great Spring Break week! I look forward to reading more of your posts int he future.

  2. I agree that the comments help to connect the people in this class together more. I definitely think this is only online class I've ever taken where I actually feel connected to my classmates and my professor.

    I really like that you make comments as you're reading the stories. I always just note things in my head and then refer back to the different places in the story while I'm commenting. Your way seems really effective though, I mean what a great way to ensure that you don't forget something.
