Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Extra Reading Diary: Chinese Fairy Tales

Extra Reading Diary: Chinese Fairy Tales

It’s cool that the farmer boy can call back people’s souls when they’re sick.  Maybe I could write a story about that some how. But I’m still mad that he stole it from the fox!

If the fox could take back the power, why would he have waited 30 years? That was polite of him, I suppose.  

This was the weirdest story.  Why would the talking fox say exactly what his kryptonite was? That’s ridiculous.

He brought her all these things, but how did she shower?? Someone needs to ask the real questions.
I could write a storytelling over her thoughts and experiences on the top of the tower.  She was there for quite a while. Perhaps I could tell the Ogre’s side of the story.

What if the girl wasn’t actually a flying ogre, what if the man chasing her was actually the ogre in disguise? It would have been the ogre from the other story!

This story was really sweet.  I love that they had secret words that they said to each other, but I wish I knew what they were! The story was sweet, but it still had a sad ending.  If he was emperor, shouldn’t he have been able o stop the people from hanging her? What awful people.

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