Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Reading Diary B - Cupid and Psyche

Venus and the Goddesses.  Props to Juno and Ceres for an awesome speech.  Too bad Venus was too hardheaded to actually listen.  I really liked their speech, though.  Very open minded and wise.

Psyche’s Prayer. I understand why Ceres wouldn’t want to hide Psyche, because of Venus, but wouldn’t Venus become just as enraged at the fact that she talked to Psyche and didn’t capture her? And Juno, too! Goodness, Psyche can’t catch a break.

Venus and Psyche. I know Venus is angry, but geez, it takes an evil person to beat up a pregnant lady, especially one that isn’t even fighting back.  What the heck. Also, I the task of separating all of the grains from one another sounds like a pretty awesome challenge.  Obviously it would be extremely hard to get done in time, but at least it’s a possible one. Except for maybe separating out the poppy seeds, that’s just evil.  
The ants helping her separate the grains and things reminds me of Cinderella.

The Sleep of the Dead.  If Venus hates Psyche for being so beautiful, why would Psyche think she should try a drop of beauty? Also, hasn’t she learned that curiosity killed the cat?
I think it’s awesome that Jupiter is going to help Cupid and Psyche!

Lucius and the Robbers.   I totally forgot about the girl who was kidnapped! Dang, the old woman can tell a good story.
After reading it all, it seems like the story with the robbers, ass, and girl is kind of out of place. I still enjoyed it, though, and now I’m curious about what happens to the girl and donkey.

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